Nanay Eusebia & Tatay Carlos
The Mijarez Couple
E-mail from June 22-
Last week me and Elder anda were about to go home and get ready for bed but we decided to knock on one more door. Bro. Mijarez answered the door.. and started to tell us that he's been thinking about us and that he's been inactive for a few years and that his wife is going into surgery and he wanted a blessing for her. We gave her a blessing and everything and after that they were like saying that the lord works in misterious ways and that they have felt that they have been missing something in their life and they are coming back to church! cool huh.
Last week me and Elder anda were about to go home and get ready for bed but we decided to knock on one more door. Bro. Mijarez answered the door.. and started to tell us that he's been thinking about us and that he's been inactive for a few years and that his wife is going into surgery and he wanted a blessing for her. We gave her a blessing and everything and after that they were like saying that the lord works in misterious ways and that they have felt that they have been missing something in their life and they are coming back to church! cool huh.